多年来JAKROO通过与国际顶尖自行车行业的配合交流,掌握了先进的骑行服研发技术并同国际创新接轨,先后成为欧洲自行车类产品 最大零售商ROSE VERSAND的稳定供货商和瑞士最大的自行车旅游公司BIKE HOLIDAY的指定设计研发厂商。在引进国际最尖端的骑行服生产技术的同时,捷酷也一直致力于自主技术的研发,将先进的国际技术与中国传统工艺及元素相 结合,打造更适合中国自行车爱好者的高端骑行服。十几年来,捷酷本着用诚挚心做专业事的精神,不断创新,一直引导着中国骑行服品牌潮流及走向。
以“ONE FOR CYCLING, ONE FOR ALL”为口号,捷酷深深扎根于骑友需求。通过兼容并蓄、自主开发,捷酷让国内骑行者能够用国内品牌的价格获得国际一线专业骑行服的体验。
Jakroo will Make an Appearance on 2011Asia Bike Trade show
Jakroo, founded in 1996, specializes in designing and producing professional cycling apparel. Started with clients from Switzerland, JAKROO now has grown to be an international first class cycling apparel manufacturer, whose business is developing rapidly in Europe, America and Australia.
With years of experience, JAKROO is dedicated to providing cyclists, worldwide, with the highest quality cycling apparel.
With “ONE FOR CYCLING, ONE FOR ALL” as motto, JAKROO pays the highest attention to the quality and functionality of the product.
Our products are tested by professional cyclists and each product is inspected to ensure a 100% satisfaction guarantee of comfort and performance.
In addition to the JAKROO collection, we specialize in CUSTOM DESIGN.