Circumnavigating the planet and stopping off wherever you fancy is the ultimate trip – perfect for travellers who want to see it all, or who are just plain indecisive. But booking a round-the-world (RTW) trip can be a complex business. Here is a guide to get you started.
How to do it
The most economical way to circumnavigate the globe is to buy a RTW air ticket that uses one airline alliance. Theoretically, any routing is possible, but knowing how the RTW booking system works will make your trip cheaper. For example, the Star Alliance, a coalition of 27 airlines which fly to 1,185 airports in 185 countries, offers a RTW ticket with a maximum of 15 stops.
最省钱的方法就是订购同一航空联盟的全球套票。理论上来说,任何的路线都是可能的,但是了解整个订票系统的运作方式会让你的旅行更加经济节约。 比如说星空联盟, 涵盖27个航空公司,185个国家内的1185个机场, 提供的全球套票最多包涵15站。
There are rules: you must follow one global direction (east or west – no backtracking); you must start and finish in the same country; and you must book all of your flights before departure, though you can change them later (which may incur extra charges).
你需要知道的规定:必须顺着一个方向旅行(向西或向东,不能走回头路); 起点与终点都必须在同一个国家。另外必须在出发之前预订所有的机票,不过之后可以改签(可能要加钱)。
How long you will need
You could whip around the world in a weekend if you flew non-stop. However, the minimum duration of most RTW tickets is 10 days – still a breathless romp. Consider stock-piling annual leave, tagging on public holidays or even arranging a sabbatical in order to take a few months off work. The maximum duration of a RTW ticket is one year.
如果你马不停蹄的话,一周可以游完世界。 但是,大部分全球套票的最短航期是10天, 即使这样,旅行者仍没有什么喘息的空间。可以考虑把年假和公共假日累积起来或者是利用休假年来进行环球旅行。最长的全球套票航期是一年。
When to go
The weather will never be ideal in all of your stops. So, focus on what you want to do most and research conditions there. If a Himalaya trek is your highlight, do not land in Nepal mid-monsoon season; if you want to swim with whale sharks off the coast of Western Australia, be there between April and July. Then accept you will be in some regions at the “wrong” time – though this might offer unexpected benefits (for example, Zambia in wet season means lush landscapes and cheaper prices).
在所有去的地方中,不可能每个地方的天气都很理想。 所以,把重点放在你想做的事情上面并且做好充分的调查。如果你想去喜马拉雅山徒步旅行,就不要在季风季去尼泊尔。 如果你想要去西澳大利亚的海岸边与鲸鱼游泳,那最好就是在4月到7月之间去。做好心理准备,有些地方可能去得不是时候,但是也可能会有出乎意料的惊喜。 (例如,雨季的赞比亚郁郁葱葱,而且价格会比较便宜。)
In general, city sightseeing can be done year-round (escape extreme heat/cold/rain in museums and cafes) but outdoor adventures are more reliant on – and enjoyable in – the right weather.