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[日期:2008-06-13] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]


  其实,户外的含义就是自然,它的发展完全离不开我们四周的环境。于是,户外产业对环境保护有着义不容辞的责任。Klaus Wellmann说:"我们希望通过对这个议题的讨论来呼吁户外业界对环保的重视。"对于环境的可持续发展,我们有太多的事可以做。比如去制造一些耐用高质的产品,并且采用一些可以持续生产的材料,譬如纤维之类的。营造合理的生产线和运输线。整个产业界业已需要一个支持环境可持续发展的平台。EOG就已经在2006创建了一个环境保护组织,第一年就拿出十二万五千欧元应用于5个环保的项目。


Nature plays an important role at the OutDoor trade fair on Lake Constance

Friedrichshafen, Germany – The outdoor industry depends on an intact wilderness. For some time, climate change and environmental sustainability and protection have been topics of discussion in many fields. Now, consciousness is growing in the outdoor scene that it is up to manufacturers and consumers to protect the future of outdoor sports by acting more responsibly. European Outdoor Group (EOG) and Messe Friedrichshafen have therefore designated "The Challenge of Sustainability" as the central theme of the 15th OutDoor trade fair (July 17th to 20th, 2008) in Friedrichshafen.

The outdoor scene is all about nature! Its commercial success is closely tied to the beauty and wonder of the wilderness. With this in mind, is there a growing sense of responsibility for its protection within the industry? "We want to encourage discussion about ecology among experts from sport, industry and related associations, and has therefore given OutDoor 2008 the thematic title of 'The Challenge of Sustainability',"explains trade fair director Klaus Wellmann.

There are a wide variety of things the outdoor industry can do to give meaning to environmental responsibility. Making durable, high-quality products that have nothing to do with the throw-away society, using natural resources responsibly, adopting materials and sustainable fibres, analyzing entire production chains (including transportation), and conducting audits of companies and processes of manufacturing for ecological certification – these are some of the means toward environmental sustainability that the industry has identified. It is crucial, however, that they are actually implemented, and not simply used as marketing gimmicks.

The industry needs to take an interest in the state of the environment. Since this implies that its manufacturers must operate in an ecologically responsible manner, the EOG founded the Association for Conservation in 2006. In its first year, the agency already managed to raise 125,000 euros to fund five different environmental projects. "We really want to see the outdoor industry become a role model in this area, and get the message out about sustainability by supporting worthwhile projects," explains EOG President Rolf Schmid.

Organisers of the 15th edition of the OutDoor trade fair in Friedrichshafen hope that this year's theme will further sensitise individual companies, stockists and the general public about environmental sustainability, and thereby make further progress in that direction. After all, as marketing manager Sabina Hoffmann puts it, "We can hardly do without air to breathe."

For more information, please visit www.european-outdoor.de.




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