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eVent fabrics成为Shared Summits登山队赞助商

[日期:2007-06-25] 来源:iouter.com  作者: [字体: ]
 eVENT  fabrics Announces Sponsorship of Shared Summits Daring K2 Expedition

  Kansas City, Mo., June 21st, 2007 — Officials from eVENT  fabrics, creators of the exceptionally breathable, waterproof  laminate technology, are pleased to announce sponsorship of the Shared Summits expedition team who currently are en route to  summit an unclimbed rib of K2, one of the world’s most savage Mountains.

  eVENT fabrics worked with Feathered Friends and Westcomb to provide the climbers with all of the sleeping bags, jackets and  pants necessary to withstand the brutal conditions of K2.

  The Shared Summits expedition began on May 21 with a six-man team of veteran climbers combining the technical prowess of  several successful Mount Everest ascents as well as years of climbing experience in the Andes, Nanga Parbat and the European  Alps.

  It is the passion for achieving seemingly impossible feats that separates Shared Summits from other expedition teams. While  ascending K2 by any route is a daunting task, experts point to the few remaining “last” challenges of K2, namely the East  Face.

  The staggering challenges of K2 have recently compounded in a way that few expedition teams have yet to endure--the onset of  global climate change. The Shared Summits team has recently experienced these effects when due to ever-melting surfaces, the  imposing danger of exposed avalanches, falling seracs, crevasses, and rock slides have dramatically altered their intended  East Face route.

  eVENT fabrics成为Shared Summits登山队赞助商

  Kansas City, Mo.,7月21日,2007-—eVENT fabrics宣布为Shared Summits登山攀登K2峰提供赞助。

  eVENT fabrics将和Feathered Friends、Westcomb两家公司共同为登山队员提供睡袋,夹克和裤子等登山所必需的装备

  Shared Summits登山队5月21日成立,由6名经验丰富的登山高手组成,他们曾多次登顶Everest峰,还有Andes, Nanga Parbat 和 欧洲的ALPS

  为了标新立异,Shared Summits选择了最具挑战性的东坡作为攀爬路线。

  但是K2近来的气候恶劣,Shared Summits队在攀登东坡就遇到了不断融化的雪面,大型雪崩坠落的冰柱,冰隙,岩崩等险情。



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