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[日期:2019-07-24] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]


The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai, with 86-year-long history


闪耀远东 艺术亮相

Born in Art, Debut as the Shining Oriental Pearl


上海扬子精品酒店的前身扬子饭店建于1933年,是⼀栋有着86年历史的文物保护建筑,由留法建筑师李蟠设计,以上海二、三十年代最流行的装饰艺术(Art Deco)为主体设计风格,并获得“远东第三大饭店” 的美誉。这里曾是阮玲玉、蝴蝶等老上海电影明星争相登场的社交胜地,也是那首经典老歌《玫瑰 玫瑰我爱你》的发源之地。

The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai is a renowned hotel with a long history dates back to 1933. The Yangtze Hotel, the predecessor of The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai, designed by the hand of Li Pan, an architect educated in France, was decorated with lavish Art Deco style. This hotel was titled as “The Third Magnificent Hotel in the Far East.” It soon became a favored place for social gathering for celebrities and movie stars. This antique building, now under government protection, was the genuine birthplace of the classic and well-known song “Rose, Rose, I love you.”



As stepping into the hotel, the traditional and noble decorations in the main hall would flourish the perception with elegance and serenity. Under the dome with glass painting, hangs the crystal-clear chandeliers; above the luxurious carpets, leads to the quiet corridors. Displayed along these corridors, are the time capsules bringing back the golden memories of the 1920s: a cute jewelry box, an old razor, a slightly rusted door lock, a heavily used pipe, a handbag might belong to a fair lady, a hairpin made with tortoiseshell, or merely a metal biscuit jar. The element of art runs deeply in the veins of the hotel, and together with the historical sense, a unique staying experience rooted in the early twentieth century’s Shanghai will be presented to our honored guests.



优雅精致 焕发新声

Refined and Returns, Singing in New Voice



Eighty-six years later, The Yangtze Hotel was reborn as The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai. The hotel locates ideally in People’s Square, with only around 30 meters distance from the metro line 1/2/8. This privileged location enables our boutique hotel to be surrounded by major cultural and entertainment highlights within walking distance, including Nanjing Pedestrian Road, People’s Park, the Raffles City, Shanghai history museum, Shanghai Grand Theatre, and Shanghai Museum.


Each of the hotel’s 103 exquisite Art Deco styled rooms and suites, equipped with comforting beds and state-of-art facilities, offer a personal sanctuary of peace and relaxation to our honored guests. 60% of our rooms and suites feature a private balcony or terrace, a private space for both unfading memories and beautiful city scenery. One-third of the room area is designated as the private bathroom. These extra-sized bathrooms equipped with audio-visual entertainment systems and spa facilities would bring uncomparable resting experience to our honored guests.




Gourmet Menus All Around the World in The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai




The Tang Restaurant (located on the 2nd floor)

As the name suggested, is a luxuriously adequate solution for Mandarin style dining. Our talented chefs passionately recreate memorable Cantonese dishes with all the skill and heart. Eight isolated saloons with balconies are ideal choices for both business dinings and private banquets. The symbolic elements from the Tang Dynasty and the sumptuous feast speak for themselves: nomen est omen.



位于一楼的CIAO餐厅,风格时尚高雅,每日奉上地道精致的地中海意大利美食。餐厅临街而建,宽大的落地式玻璃窗将白色主题的餐厅衬托得更为通透明亮。客人悠闲品尝美食的画面,与一窗之隔的繁忙街景相映成趣。餐厅设开放式的厨房,厨师们忙碌的身影以及阵阵飘出的香味,更为整个餐厅 带来了一抹生动的风景。和餐厅相连的美食屋提供各款优质咖啡、茶以及自制精美甜品,客人即可坐在宽敞明亮的美食屋,同时也可外带和家人分享 。

The CIAO Dining Room and CIAO Bambino (located on the ground floor)

The CIAO Dining Room and CIAO Bambino serve authentic Italian and Mediterranean cuisines and desserts. Built with style and along the street, our guest could enjoy the tasting dishes while viewing the vivid streets. The restaurant consists of an open kitchen, which adds on more dimensions of joy: imagine the bursting fragrances from the Focaccia just taken out from the oven by our patissier. Moreover, CIAO Bambino resembles a leisure atmosphere, with delicious Barista coffee and delectable homemade desserts are the best choices for both a soothing snack break or a take-out for friends. Buon appetito!


私密的环境、复古高背椅以及舒适的沙发营造出浓郁温馨的休闲氛围。这里是邀约朋友轻谈浅酌之地,也是品尝别致英式下午茶的理想之地。蝶吧(酒店二楼) 环形格局的蝶吧位于酒店二楼,与充满装饰艺术风格的巨型穹顶相连。装饰艺术布置令原本格调独特的蝶吧更加引人注目,它为同在二楼的唐轩用餐的客人提供了一个私密和时尚的社交场所。琳琅满目的鸡尾酒,葡萄酒,香槟和威士忌应有尽有,为喜爱在奢华环境中享受休闲时光的客人提供了特有的氛围。

The bar in the hall (ground floor)

If a place for some light drinking or afternoon tea is needed, the bar in the hall (ground floor) would be handy. Private, relaxing, comfortable, and always cozy with friends. Then if it requests more privacy and comfort, the main bar (located on the 2nd floor) will be the destination. Connected with the grand dome, it is the Art Deco style itself. Either it’s a second round meetup after the dining in the Tang Restaurant, a social chat between friends or a hunt for cocktails, champagne, wine and whiskey, all are welcome to the Bar.


作为代表浪漫与典雅的装饰艺术时代的符号,上海扬子精品酒店无疑是婚礼——这⼀重要人生仪式的极佳场地。酒店拥有面积250平米的无柱式宴会厅- 珍珠厅,可容纳150人的婚宴,同时珍珠厅还可举办其他宴会和庆典活动。宴会厅豪华气派, 大型金色浮雕装饰壁画和华贵的水晶吊灯彰显出不可比拟的华贵和典雅。宴会厅走廊的露天平台以及厅内宽大的复古式玻璃窗,让宾客在参加婚宴的同时还可以欣赏到迷人的都市风光。和宴会厅紧邻的碧玉厅可灵活作为化妆间和休息室,可提供宽敞舒适的预备和休息空间。

The Pearl Room (located on the 9th floor)

What makes it better for gourmet dished? Romance and Wedding! The column-free Pearl Room (located on the 9th floor), with a total area of 250 square meters, is capable of a wedding banquet with 15 tables of guests. In this marvelous hall, the golden decorations are carved into relief, walls are painted with nobel murals, and the luxurious crystal chandeliers shine in the air. The open platform in the banquet hall corridor and the enormous vintage glass window provide unhindered vibrant urban scenery. Located just next to the Pearl Room, the Jade Room could conveniently serve as a dressing room and lounge with reserve space and privacy.

作为装饰艺术(Art Deco)风格与老上海风情结合的豪华精品酒店,上海扬子精品酒店拥有着优越的地理位置。周边丰富的城市文化地标更为出行锦上添花。酒店丰厚的历史积淀注入现代的服务理念,使得上海扬⼦精品酒店成为独特的豪华精品酒店。走进扬子精品酒店的每一间客房,应声而来的经典老歌用它甜柔的嗓音,怀旧的旋律,仿佛在为每位客人倾诉着上海滩那迷人的往昔。贴⼼周到的服务,让海内外宾客享受商务休闲的便捷的同时又感受独属于扬子精品酒店的⽼上海浪漫风情。

As the luxury boutique hotel that combines both art deco style and traditional Shanghai culture, The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai enjoys a distinguished location. Perfect location enables our boutique hotel to be bordered by major cultural and entertainment highlights within walking distance, such as Nanjing Pedestrian Road, People’s Park, the Raffles City, Shanghai Museum and Shanghai Grand Theatre.The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai being the unique hotel with a great history and a modern service mind setup. Melodies flow around the corners, singing the classic songs, with a new voice, unfolding Shanghai’s fascinating history. Combine the advanced facilities and services, we will ensure every honored guest the best experience of both comfort, and the romance from Old Shanghai culture that can be found nowhere else.


The origins of Historic Hotels Worldwide


上海扬子精品酒店现已加入美国历史酒店协会。璞富腾酒店及度假村总裁兼首席执行官-Lindsey Ueberroth女士是美国历史酒店协会董事会成员,致力于整合全球范围内的历史酒店,推出全球历史酒店展示计划。此外,备受国内外商务及休闲客人喜爱,拥有悠久历史和上海文化风情的上海扬子精品酒店与璞富腾方面还单独签署了全服务协议,加入璞富腾L.V.X系列。

The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai is now a member of the American Historical Hotels Association. Lindsey Ueberroth is President and Chief Executive Officer of Preferred Hotels & Resorts who also serves on the Board of Directors for Historic Hotels of America. She has been focusing on integrating historic hotels all over the world with Historic Hotels Worldwide program. Well-loved by business and leisure travelers at home and aboard, The Yangtze Boutique Shanghai with long history and Shanghai culture has separately signed a deal with Preferred Hotels & Resorts to join their L.V.X. collection.



Preferred Hotels & Resorts is an independent hotel brand, representing more than 750 distinctive hotels, resorts, residences, and unique hotel groups across 85 countries. Presented by Preferred Hotel Group, Historic Hotels Worldwide is an international cooperation project dedicated to the encourage the world to manage, appreciate and visit historic hotels. To be nominated and selected to be featured in Historic Hotels Worldwide, eligible legendary historic hotels must meet the following:The minimum age for the building is 75 years or older.Hotel is historically relevant as a significant location with a historic district, historically significant landmark, place of a historic event, or historic city center.The historical significance of your hotel deserves more attention. Historic Hotels Worldwide recognizes authentic cultural treasures that demonstrate exemplary historic preservation and their inspired architecture, cultural traditions, and authentic cuisine. Historic Hotels Worldwide is a prestigious collection of the finest historic treasures, including many former castles, chateaus, palaces, academies, haciendas, villas, monasteries, and other historic lodging spanning ten centuries. Historic hotels worldwide represent the best collection of historic accommodation.



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