从2010年开始,除了开放以往的公司信息平台,亚洲户外展将为参展商提供更齐全贴心的服务,通过亚洲户外展的高效平台宣传参展品牌的形象和活动。通过登陆,参展商不仅可以修改公司信息,还可以在网站上告知展会期间的动态。无论是即将展出最新的产品、展位将有名人到访参观, 或是品牌将在展会期间举行新闻发布会,展商都可以通过在线填写的方式让外界获取信息。
Update Your Company Information on Asia Outdoor
At present, exhibitors can have their company information updated on Asia Outdoor website. For exhibitors who applied online, username and password will be sent to the registered email address.
Asia Outdoor provides tailored media services for exhibitors since 2010, which allow your information well spread, no matter it is a new product debut, celebrities visiting at your stand or launching a press conference.
Click here to login: http://www.asian-outdoor.com/e-pubinfo-en.php