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强强联手 共同打造国内级别最高的攀岩大赛

[日期:2008-07-04] 来源:iouter  作者:iouter [字体: ]

亚洲户外用品展览会将同世界顶级户外品牌The North Face 联手合力打造国内规模最大、奖金额度最高的攀岩大奖赛-2008 The North Face杯亚洲户外展攀岩大奖赛。本次大赛将于2008730812008亚洲户外展现场举行。赛事主办方为中国登山协会,承办方是亚洲户外用品展览会。赛事规模突破以往任何一届国内大型攀岩比赛。The North Face将通过亚洲户外展以及此次攀岩大奖赛完美诠释“探索永不停止”的品牌内涵。赛事具体安排将近期推出,敬请关注。


2008The North Face Cup Asia Outdoor Climbing Competition


Asia Outdoor 2008 will hold the highest level and prize climbing competition “The North Face ” Cup. The sponsors are China Mountaineering Association and Alpinest. Asia Outdoor is the organizer. Never Stop Exploring as the The North Face slogan express the same ideology of mountaineering. The specific information will be pinned on the website later.



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