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[日期:2008-06-15] 来源:iouter  作者:iouter [字体: ]
腾冲是个清醒而又温情的边疆小镇,有宽净的街道和无边的绿色,让漂的人有充足的空间静静呼吸……清晨骑着自行车疾驰,呼吸着清冽的空气,第一道阳光明亮刺目得让人微微眯起双眼,街边随处是热气腾腾的早点铺,稀豆粉粑粑、煮饵丝……让内心沉静的人对新的一天有了美好的期许…… 腾冲人挣了钱有两用,一为供子女读书二为盖房子,所以不论贫富,家家单家独院,有个漂亮的天井,自古留下来的众多古老民居更是青砖瓦房,蔷薇藤蔓……腾冲国际青年旅舍开设于古朴别致的滇西最大私家花园——玉泉园内,正处腾越古镇文化中心。园面积四十余亩,清澈的漂白河穿园而过,每晚都有热闹的高黎贡山民族表演和免费的篝火晚会,出了旅舍门就可以买个西瓜放在清冽的河水里冰一冰,然后坐在大青树下水车旁,看着水中游鱼水草,尽情地发呆……晚上无聊了就到泳池旁边的酒吧街随便进一家,喝醉了也不用担心,我们会把你捡回来……实在不想出门,就待家里吧,上网、喝瓶腾越老烧,看部电影;在书吧安静的一角细细研读中国远征军英勇的抗日史,或者猜测下家里随处可见的明清古董家具背后的故事,那一幅幅精妙的腾越民间刺绣又如何沉淀了古腾越曾经的商贾云集;和朋友聊下是不是找个火山一样的傈僳族男朋友,或者泡个温泉一样的…… 在腾冲待着的日子,时间是停滞的,但总不会感觉无事可做……岁月,人,心情和故事都很从容,仿佛连光阴也早被茶马古道伸长了……休息够了就背上包,顺着马帮留在青石板上深深的蹄印,寻找高黎贡山深处的参天古树、大树杜鹃……不管多晚我们会为你亮一盏灯,等你回来把旅途的见闻与我们一一分享……  
Tengchong, a frontier town full of mildness, with clean streets and clear sky, travelers will find homelike atmosphere here to relax. Cycling in the morning to breathe the clear air, to bath the first sunshine, to find a food court for breakfast, ciba, ersi, and so on, to start a new day of happiness. Almost every house of Tengchong residents has a beautiful dooryard; some great old buildings in the village are full of classicism and mystery. Tengchong International Youth Hostel is located on the biggest private garden-Yuquanyuan, which is in the center of Tengyue old village. The Yuquanyuan is about 27,000 square meters, limpid Piaobai River goes through the whole garden, and you can see needfire party free of charge and actions of Gaoligong people every evening. During summer days, put fresh fruits in the clear river, then enjoy yourself freely. There are many bars around our hostel, which serve wine, coffee, tea, syrup, and so on. You can also stay in the hostel, to surf on the internet, to see a movie, to have a drink, or to read some books, you will feel at home. The time in Tengchong is very easygoing; you can even feel the flow of time. Life here is simple, easy, and degage, you can look for old stories of the southern Silk Road(the Sichuan to India route). With the comfortable feeling, you can also search for the mystery view beyond Gaoligong mountain. We are looking forward to welcoming your arrival.   
设施或服务:打开窗户,即可与火山面对面。旅舍设有标间、家庭套房、六人间、八人间、缅甸风味小吃餐吧、带视频的酒吧,常年19C°地下矿泉泳池,所有标间都有宽带接口,公共区域提供电脑免费上网和WiFi,电影吧、自助洗衣房、自行车出租、小卖部、行李寄存、留言板、照片展板、旅游资讯、结伴组织、CD/DVD刻录、音乐书籍交换、票务代理、免费停车场、还有一个安静温馨的小书吧,很多旅游信息(包括周边国家和地区LONELY PLANET书籍),楼上一个视野非常好的大阳台,看风景晒太阳发呆都不错:)公共淋浴房24小时热水水很大……   
Hostel provides 6/8per dormitory, twin room and family room / Restaurant Of Myanmar Food / Cafe Bar / Free Internet / WiFi / Reading Room / Mini Cinema / TV / Laundry / Luggage Storage / Bicycle Rental / Message Board / Tourist Information / CD DVD Burning / Photographs Panel / Change Book&Music / Ticket Service / Free Parking / Swiming Pool  


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