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[日期:2008-06-15] 来源:iouter  作者:iouter [字体: ]
稻城国际青年旅舍,前身为稻城有间客栈,为了旅舍的长远发展于2007年10月10日正式改名为稻城国际青年旅舍,旅舍保持着藏式民居独特的风格以及青年旅舍的简单、干净、便捷的特点! 位于稻城德西街(幸福路)幸福桥桥头,“走过幸福桥”看到正对桥的黑色藏八宝铁门,就到了稻城国际青年旅舍,旅舍主体建筑为藏族传统外石内木二层藏房,您进到旅舍只能看到木装饰。一楼为汉藏结合装饰,每根柱子都经过活佛及其高徒精心创作。上下各8间:下8间为标准间,每个房间有一幅与其他房间不同的藏族八宝吉祥;上8间为藏式传统普通房间,有公共浴室、厕所、24小时热水。藏房上下2层450平米。500平米小院里有露天休闲场所,新修全木结构餐厅厨房。 旅舍门前有条小溪流过,名曰:幸福河。小溪两边整齐的白杨,右前侧为林业局高原植物苗圃。背后周围为稻城著名秋景万亩青杨林包围。远山白雪,万亩杨林,小桥流水,稻城国际青年旅舍,构成了稻城独特的风景画。 我们希望通过我们的努力把有间客栈打造稻城最优秀的藏式民居型青年客栈,我们给自己的定位也是如此。 稻城国际青年旅舍----走过幸福桥的选择!  
Welcome and relax with us at the Dao Cheng International Youth Hostel. Dao Cheng International Youth Hostel is the first residential type of Tibetan hostel in Daocheng. It locats in the heart of Daocheng, which lye beside the Happiness River, when you go through the Happiness Bridge, there it is! Dao Cheng International Youth Hostel is surrounded by beautiful popular forest that will make you feel like arriving in a painting. Dao Cheng International Youth Hostel is a Tibetan housing with stone outside and wood structure inside, which covers a 500 square meters independent courtyard and a 50 square-meter new built wooden structure kitchen. The internal environment of Your Inn is comfortable and elegant. Each room is decorated with different kind of Tibetan painting. The owner of Dao Cheng International Youth Hostel retained the second floor of 100 square meters Tibetan sitting room for guests to use, displayed with Tibetan beds and all kinds of Tibetan furniture and furnishings. Guests can feel the genuine Housing Tibetan style.  
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