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[日期:2008-06-15] 来源:iouter  作者:iouter [字体: ]
海口巴纳纳青年旅舍主要接待世界各地青年旅行者,是一个国际性的家庭式廉价旅馆.本旅舍由英国领事馆联络员Peter Holt(皮皮鲁)先生创办并管理,是中国第一家老外开办的国际青年旅舍,也是海口第一家,并且唯一一家国际青年旅舍。主要接待世界各地来琼旅游,度假,工作的年轻人士.这里将是他们舒适的旅行小站,一个充满异国情调,具有英式语言环境 的家. 巴纳纳位于海甸岛人民大道,西临海南大学,向北一千米即是白沙门海滩.走出旅舍马路对面就是公共汽车站,十多路公交车把您送到城市的各个地方。旅舍对面是肯德鸡,200米内有各式中餐,西餐,日本餐和韩国菜.走路10分钟就是酒吧一条街. 旅舍设施齐全,装修具有欧式品位.除各种客房外还拥有酒吧,餐厅,娱乐室,电影播放室(内有43寸液晶大屏幕电视)和花园酒廊等设施.旅舍有自助厨房和洗衣房,可以宽带上网,拥有商务中心,和世界各地联络非常方便. 皮皮鲁亲手做的正统英式西餐全天向顾客提供,您一定不要错过  
Haikou Banana Youth Hostel offers accommodation ranging from inexpensive dormitory rooms to small apartments complete with own kitchen. All our rooms have a private bathroom and shower. Haikou Banana Youth Hostel is the first ever International Youth Hostel (IYH) opened by a foreigner in China. We are also the only IYH in Haikou and are the only hostel in Haikou that provides all the facilities you would expect from a Youth Hostel. Haikou Banana Youth Hostel is a converted villa located on Haidian Island, in the north of Haikou city. The tropical climate means that Haikou is often at its most bustling in the evening. On an evening on Haidian Island the streets fill up with tropical fruit stalls, outdoor bars, and many small outdoor restaurants selling various local dishes from BBQ’ed seafood to Chao Bing (a favorite snack for a warm evening which consists of the fruit of your choice blended and frozen before your eyes with a special device). There are also many newly built outdoor swimming pools and hot springs which are a pleasant way to relax during a warm day or evening. The rest of Haikou City offers many interesting old Hutongs, small temples, fishing ports, beaches, and shopping streets to explore.  
第1页:旅舍简介 第2页:位置及联系方式



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