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[日期:2008-06-15] 来源:iouter  作者:iouter [字体: ]


创意文化园内的当代艺术中心隶属于长久以来享有美誉的“何香凝美术馆”。该馆是除北京中国美术馆之外唯一的国家级美术馆,它在国家艺术展览和艺术项目方面对中国当代艺术一直起着推动和影响作用。有着独特意义的一点在于致力推动当代艺术普及化,很多大家熟悉的艺术家(Daniel Buren, Philip King, Bernar Vernet, Olafur Elliasson, 顾德新等)的雕塑作品都被永久地陈列于华侨城社区的公共空间。LOFT是一个全新的艺术组合,致力于绘画、装置、行为艺术、音乐表演、电影、录像和多媒体艺术等。它的使命在于支持和发展中国艺术家的前卫艺术实践,给予国内与国际的艺术家在这个平台上互相进行展示与交流。



A melting pot for artists and designer

Shenzhen is a legend in Chinese recent history. It has changed itself from a small fishing village to a metropolitan city in just over two decades. It is a catchment of all the elites both at home and aboard. It holds certain degree of resemblance to Hong Kong(which is just a stone's throw away) but also differs with its own character in many ways.

Hua Qiao Cheng (which means Overseas Chinese Townor 'OCT' was originally developed by a group of Chinese returned from overseas who eventually settled down there) is a well-developed and managed community - a live record showing how this fascinating city evolves.

Under the new social scenario, there is a movement that relatively old buildings and factories can be redeveloped to accommodate creative and design industry. The Creation & Art Park where the LOFT Youth Hostel and the Contemporary Art Center situate, is a classic example aiming to provide a place for artists and designers all over the world to meet under one roof through which people can inspire each other with a mixture of traditional and modern outlook of China to produce a new vocabulary of design.

We are a social enterprise:

Our mission is to promote intercultural exchange, environmental awareness and social responsibility. We specialize in organizing youth programme which helps to broaden young people’s horizon and understanding. Our facilitators are bilingual expatiates with immense international experience in this particular area.

The hostel is about 600m from underground Qiao Cheng Dong Stop (Exit A). It lies in a beautiful and lush green setting, adjacent to the modern art centre 'LOFT' where exhibitions introducing both local and overseas art creations are held on a regular basis. While to the East of the city, high rises continuously springing up, this particular area is undergoing a transformation of its own - heading to artistic development.

The hostel turns a somewhat unattractive workers home into a simple but high quality budget accommodation and meeting place. The idea is to keep element of the original architecture and history and to incorporate them with contemporary style extension.

The scale, proportion and proper use of basic materials are all the important elements to show the power of simplicity and elegance. Some of the original balconies have been incorporated into extension of bedrooms with floor to ceiling glass wall on 3 sides, giving a spectacular view of the skyline. Half of these rooms are in Japanese Tatami style in order to offer a taste of different atmosphere. By applying a contemporary design ethos to an existing structure, it creates a vision of different stages of the local history. 

The Contemporary Art Certer is just behind the hostel. Within walking distance, theme parks of Chinese folk culture and Chinese ancient architectures are worth visiting. Artists in the Chinese folk culture park are all genuine ethnic minorities coming from places all over the country. If you are looking for fun or excitement, Happy Valley or Window of the World theme park is the choice. Mangrove Nature Reserve (birds watching) at sea front and botanic garden are not far away from the hostel.


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