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[日期:2008-06-13] 来源:iouter  作者:iouter [字体: ]


Welcome to Tianmuyi International Youth Hostel. It is a nice villa which is located in Xinchang. Near one of the most famous mountains-Tianmu Mountain where Lidai came in his dream. The decoration combined the western and local style so it is really a good place to stay. It takes about 10 minutes car driving to the Grand Buddha Temple. Transportation here is very convenient and has bus to the main bus station directly.


Dormitory,Single room and Standard room. It is suitable for individual and team to lodge.We supply Self-Kitchen,Restaurant,Undergrand wine bar, Cinema, Internet access(If you have your own laptop,you can use wireless in the lobby for free),Self-Laundry and travel information asking.


Xinchang has lots of famous place to visit with a long history. The high Tianmu mountain,Old Grand Buddha Temple,fantastic Nineteenth Peak, Clean Wozhou Lake and National Earth Park make our city really attractive!

第1页:旅舍简介 第2页:相关图片
第3页:位置及交通 第4页:联系方式



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